We Welcome San Luis Obispo Church to the Network
We are pleased to announce that the San Luis Obispo church in Central California has joined the Peace Church Network, our broad community of Adventist Church groups who have committed to one or more of the values and issues represented by the Adventist Peace Fellowship. Lead Pastor Chris Blake works with collegiate Pastor Danita Rasmussem to care for their church family and the community.
A sign on their church: Meeting in person is not allowed, but love is still held near.
While things have been different at their church for several months due to stay-at-home orders, they have created an active online presence to stay connected and worship together. The community is a warm and kind group of people who are seeking tangible ways to connect with others, serve the needs of their local area, and speak and act on behalf of justice and equality.
Relevant articles from Pastor Chris Blake:
Beyond Prophecy to Prophetic Voice
The Supremacy of Righteousness by Love
Chris Blake shares a discussion on the 2019 Quarterly about his passion for peacemaking
A conversation with Chris Blake and Jeff Boyd