2021 Congress on Social Justice
“From Thursday, Oct. 14, to Sunday, Oct. 16, 2021, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University will host the Congress on Social Justice, an event designed to highlight global issues of imbalance as well as the biblical solutions that address them” (Andrews University news release, posted by the NAD).
The three keynote and plenary speakers are Cristian Dumitrescu, Akintayo Odeyemi and Joel Raveloharimisy. Topics or areas to be addressed in these presentations as well as in breakout sessions include the environment, sex trafficking, Adventism, Ellen White, theology, domestic abuse, homiletics, healthcare, female genital mutilation, restorative justice and politics.
Event coordinator, Willie Hucks II, PhD, has released a video about the event. Two versions, really, of differing lengths.
4-Minute Summary:
15-Minute Description: