Crossing the Line - The Conversation

Our co-director Lisa Diller was invited to engage in a conversation about race with the Kansas Avenue SDA Church based in Riverside, CA. Hosted by Pastor Michael Jenkins, the panel is filled with meaningful engagement on race shared between some highly aware and thoughtful people.

While this discussion is centered specifically on race relations between blacks and whites here in the United States, we found the conversation to be more broadly applicable to anyone living in an area where a minority population has been marginalized. The thoughts and ideas shared here can be utilized by any church to encourage participation in the active work of justice making.

Link to this conversation can be found here.

Link to this conversation can be found here.

After listening to this conversation, we encourage you to reach out to a regional or minority led church and ask how you can support them in your community. Are there any initiatives that could use support? Speak with pastors and leaders to discover what the most pressing needs are in their neighborhoods. Offer to listen, offer to learn, and offer to be a vessel of the Spirit to partner in ways that are meaningful.

Part two of The Conversation with this panel is equally fascinating and full of information and challenges that are worthy of your time.

Link to the conversation can be found here

Link to the conversation can be found here