Meet Claudia Allen- Our Newest Board Member

We welcomed Claudia Allen to our board last month and we’re eager to get to know her after admiring her passion and energy on social media. Welcome to the team Claudia!

APF: Tell us about what you are studying for your PhD and why did you decide on this path?

Claudia: I started my PhD in English Literature at the University of Maryland, College Park in August 2015. In May of this year I decided to leave my program and pursue full time employment at the intersection of faith, culture, and politics. So currently, I am prayerfully in a period of transition. But I am excited about the future that God has for me in full time social justice work.

APF: You’ve recently? Joined the Message Magazine team.  Tell us what you are doing there and how interacting with social media is being received by your audience?

Claudia: I joined Message Magazine in March 2019 as the Online Content Manager. In that role I am responsible for getting new writers for our website, editing the articles for our website, as well as managing our social media platforms. While in this role I’ve also created the Message Podcast Network, a group of various digital content both audio and video based available everywhere from ApplePodcast, Spotify, GooglePodcast, and our YouTube channel. With our growing digital content people have grown more and more aware of us and our message. Currently we have over 13k followers on Facebook, over 1k followers on Instagram, over 700 followers on Twitter, and over 230 subscribers on our new YouTube Channel. 

APF: What attracted you to the causes that you serve? What are the passions that drive you the most?  When did you discover or awaken to this?

Claudia: I have always been passionate about race-based social justice, particularly growing up in Berrien Springs, MI. My experience in Adventist Education was one that rarely and/or poorly celebrated diversity and that stirred within me the desire to change that my Senior year of Undergrad when I created and successfully implemented an African American Studies Minor housed out of the Andrews University History Department. As I’ve grown older my passion for justice only increased as these cases of police brutality became more and more prevalent. My prayer is that more faith-based organizations, churches, and believers understand how important it is to engage with society and politics.


APF: If you’re currently connected with a local church, how is that community involved in the work of justice and peacemaking?  What suggestions do you have for other local church groups?

Claudia: Currently, I attend the Emmanuel Brinklow SDA Church located in Ashton, MD where I serve as the Head Clerk. This is a church who has been committed to peace and social justice for over 10 years under the pastoral leadership of Dr. Anthony Medley, Sr. Most recently, they’ve been awarded by the Montgomery County Housing Commission for their work since March aiding in getting groceries to families in Section 8 housing. In addition, we’ve become a testing site for COVID-19 getting tests to those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Their commitment to holistic health and community is why I joined the church. I look forward to seeing what God continues to do with and through them, and how I can be of any kind of assistance to them.

I believe local churches must connect with their local council-members, leadership, and community at large. It is from these individuals that they will learn what their community needs. Once a local church knows what their community needs they can begin working with their community to establish initiatives and programs that meet those needs. We must engage with our communities as partners, not as saviors. We don’t know what they need more than they know what they need for themselves. 

APF: What advice would you give to students in a university APF chapter on involvement and peacemaking?

Claudia: Read. Learn. Grown. Take this time to consume as much knowledge and information that you can on what you’re passionate about. Then, find something that you can lend your gifts, talents, and passion toward. What in your University, church, or community needs to be changed? Don’t wait to get into “the real world.” Wherever you are in life is “the real world.” Always seek to affect change wherever you are.

APF: How do you de-stress ?

Claudia: I love watching reality television, hanging out with friends, and ordering from my favorite restaurants.


APF: Share your top three favorite podcasts, books, movies, media accounts

Claudia: Some of my favorite books are Paradise by Toni Morrison, The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin, The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead, Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman, and The Very Good Gospel by Lisa Sharon Harper. I’m not a big movie buff though I do watch a lot of movies I wouldn’t say I have a favorite. The truest thing for me to say is that I love Classic Disney films. When I listen to podcasts I tend to enjoy episodes from the Jude 3 Project, ExpediTIously, Unlocking Us with Brene Brown, and NPR Politics.