Lake Union PARL Hosts "Jesus & Politics Conference" at Andrews University

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The Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department of the Lake Union brought together a significant group of speakers for the 2019 Jesus and Politics Conference (Oct 17-19, indirect link, direct link). The event took place at Andrews University, and the plenary presentations are archived on Facebook (see below).

Nicholas Miller, PhD, was the primary event coordinator. Dr. Miller is a professor of Church History at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and director of the International Religious Liberty Institute.

Jim Wallis (Sojourners) and Ron Sider (Palmer Theological Seminary & Evangelicals for Social Action) were featured presenters along with Ganoune Diop (GC), David Trim (GC), Timothy Golden (WWU), Claudia Allen (Message Magazine), Michael Nixon (AU), Melissa Reid (NAD), and James Standish. Calvin Rock was scheduled to attend, but I believe he was not able to make it.

The many break-out sessions are not available online; however, you can access the keynote presentations here—Lake Union Herald Videos.

Plenary 1: Jim Wallis - "Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus"

Plenary 2: David Trim - “Missionaries as Conversionary, Humanitarian and Political Actors in Adventist History”

Plenary 3: ?

Plenary 4: Claudia Allen - “And the Word Became Flesh”: The 21st c. Socio-Political Implications of the Incarnation

Plenary 5: Ronald Sider - “Christians and Killing: What Did Jesus Say?”

Plenary 6: Nicholas Miller and Michael Nixon - Event Conclusion

I (Jeff Boyd) have wanted to have Dr. Miller on the Adventist Peace Radio podcast for some time now. With a growing list of topics to cover, it needs to happen. Wait for it….