Adventist Peace Radio, Episode 19: Walla Walla University Peace Week 2018
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In this episode, Jeff Boyd interviews three Walla Walla University students who share how they planned this year’s peace week.
In the first interview, Katie Pekar shares about her role as the Peace Week coordinator. Katie is a graduate student in the Biology Department. Next, Kelsey Duran, who is a junior social work major and the president of the Social Work Club, describes two events—the Privilege Walk as well as the community march. Finally, Jonathan Muriu reflects on the Friday evening gathering coordinated by the Black Student Christian Forum. The guiding question of this final gathering was: How can I be a peacemaker? Jonathan is a junior bioengineering major with a pre-med concentration. He is also the BSCF president.
1:35 – Part 1: Katie Pekar
30:00 – Part 2: Kelsey Duran
Privilege Walk. Photo credit: Kelsey Duran.
48:25 – Part 3: Jonathan Muriu
Unity Chain. Photo Credit: Jonathan Muriu.
To learn more about peace weeks, please visit our resource page here.
Thank you for joining us for this episode of Adventist Peace Radio. I also want to thank my wife Charissa for recording the introduction to this episode.
SUPPORT: Your support means a lot to us, so if you appreciated these conversations, we hope you’ll share the podcast with your friends in person and on social media. And we welcome your donations to support future episodes of Adventist Peace Radio.
MUSIC: Our theme music is “Green Fields” by Scott Holmes, which is available at the Free Music Archive. And our transition music for this episode is “Floating Also” by William Rosati and “Ex Boxer” by Riot. Both songs are from the YouTube Audio Library.
DISCLAIMER: And as always, our disclaimer: Adventist Peace Fellowship is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports work for peacemaking and social justice building upon the values of the Seventh-day Adventist tradition. We are not part of, affiliated with, or supported by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists or any affiliates known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Any content, opinions, statements, products or services offered by Adventist Peace Fellowship, are solely those of our organization, and not those of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.