Adventist Peace Radio, Episode 2: Chris Blake
Welcome back to Adventist Peace Radio, the podcast of the Adventist Peace Fellowship. You can subscribe to the podcast at iTunes or Stitcher.
In this episode (#2), Jeff Boyd sits down with Chris Blake in his office at Union College to talk about the school’s peacemaking class, its annual peace week, and a workshop on communication that Chris has recently published.
Chris Blake
Chris Blake is an English and communications professor at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska (United States). Before teaching at Union, Chris was the editor of Insight magazine from 1986 to 1993. Chris has served as the president of the Adventist English Association, and he is the sponsor of the UC Amnesty-Tiny Hands International Club. His bestselling book Searching for a God to Love has been translated into four languages. Currently, Chris is the Chair of the Lincoln Interfaith Peacemaking Coalition. And he enjoys playing disc golf.
SHOW NOTES (Recorded March 2016)
1:50 Peace class at Union College
Selected textbooks: All Quiet on the Western Front, Beautiful Souls, Oscar Romero, War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, and The Promise of Peace
7:30 Ten Thousand Acts of Peace (event in Lincoln, NE)
Lincoln strives to make history through peace (Kelsey Murphy, KLKN-TV ABC8, 3 April 2016)
Lincoln Peacemakers pledge 10,000 acts of peace toward worldwide effort (Erin Andersen, Lincoln Journal Star, 19 Mar 2016)
10,000 Acts of Peace (Billion Acts Blog, 15 Mar 2016)
16:05 Union College Peace Week
Call for Peace (Adventist denominational statement)
Themes for each day: Dialogue, Justice, Forgiveness, Reconciliation
“Build Your Own Peace Week” (Chris Blake, Journal of Adventist Education, Summer 2013, 43-45).
23:00 A Sanctuary for Conversation: Listening, Loving, and Learning
DONATIONS: We welcome your donations to support future podcasts (link).
MUSIC: “Green Fields” by Scott Holmes, via Free Music Archive.
DISCLAIMER: Adventist Peace Fellowship is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports work for peacemaking and social justice building upon the values of the Seventh-day Adventist tradition. We are not part of, affiliated with, or supported by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists or any affiliates known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Any content, opinions, statements, products or services offered by Adventist Peace Fellowship, are solely those of our organization, and not those of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Chris Blake’s office door.