Do Justice: Our Call to Faithful Living (Edited by Nathan Brown and Joanna Darby)
Nathan Brown and Joanna Darby have recently published a collection of essays on just living entitled Do Justice. The book is currently available in Australia, and it will be released in the U.S. in 2015. The One Project plans to distribute the book at their conferences around the world, increasing exposure for the book.
ADRA Australia released the first statement about the book, which is fitting because the Forward was written by Jonathan Duffy, former CEO of ADRA Australia and current ADRA International president.
Mark Webster, the current ADRA Australia CEO, writes that the editors have pulled "together the wisdom of a diverse group of 26 people for whom justice is a passion, harnessing their thoughts, experiences and advice into a cohesive whole." Webster continues,
Authors such as Kendra Haloviak Valentine and Ty Gibson explore that foundational nature of justice to our faith and indeed our existence. Dwight Nelson and Lowell C Cooper, among others, explore the nexus of faith and justice in the context of the church and its beliefs. Lisa Clark Diller and Zivayi Nengomasha join their voices with those of others seeking to make justice an intentional part of their lives. And another group, including Tim Gillespie, Ella Smith Simmons and Mindi Wiygul, share guidance from their own experiences of justice in practice.
The entire review can be read here.