Union College to Honor Veterans at Homecoming

union collegeUnion College will honor alumni veterans this year during the school's annual homecoming weekend (April 3-6). Of special note are members of the Medical Cadet Corps. In the school's mailer, Alumni Association President Ardis Dick Stenbakken writes:

You may be aware of the important place Union College and the Medical Cadet Corps have had for our church and the young people who served our country in the military after taking that training, as well as others who have given military service. This year is our time to honor and remember the influence of these individuals. If you served in the military, please make sure that Union College has your information.... We want to remember and honor you at this year's celebration.

This announcement made me wonder if any Adventist military veterans are members of Veterans for Peace. If you are all three--Adventist, veteran, and member of Veterans for Peace--we invite you to get in contact with APF leadership. We would like to hear your stories and possibly connect you with other like-minded Adventists.